Awesome Indie Private Beta
Discover indie products made by indie makers.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired. Private Beta
Create generative art from any kind of photo or image with this macOS app.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Xdrop Public Beta
A cross-platform offline file transfer app for computers and mobile devices.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Smart Grilling Assistant Device Private Beta
Turn any grill into a smart grill with this device and accompanying mobile app.
This opportunity has expired!
Ruoom Private Beta
A business management software with a patent-pending floor plan generator.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Alpha Beta Notification
Allows businesses to list their products and connect with thousands of customers in their locality.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
DebtLift Private Beta
Pay off debt and improve your financial fitness and break the generational trend by building wealth.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Fae Public Beta
First design-to-code tool made for repeated use.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
ProductFeedback Public Beta
Collect customer feedback, prioritize features to build, and update your customers effortlessly.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Android Smartphone Private Beta
TCT’s latest 5G Android device, equipped with a 6.5-inch screen.
This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.
Logitech Private Beta
Join Logitech’s testing community for a sneak peek at their newest software for supported devices.
This opportunity has expired!