Premium Smart Lock Private Beta
A smart lock complete with Matter integration capabilities, HomeKeys support, & door-sensing technology
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A smart lock complete with Matter integration capabilities, HomeKeys support, & door-sensing technology
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Orange County, CA residents are invited to participate in an in-home observational study about air purifier usage
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Schedule cleanings, monitor progress, and control your Shark robot vacuum from anywhere
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Orange County, CA residents are invited to participate in an in-home observational study about vacuum usage
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Control a room’s air quality and humidity with this multifunctional device
A floor-cleaning robot that pairs with a smartphone for a smarter approach to household cleaning
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Grill food that tastes better than ever on a reinvented 4-burner gas grill, with a sear zone and side burner
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Test out this upcoming hair styling tool that is designed to create a variety of hairstyles
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An autonomous, robotic floor cleaner from iRobot with accompanying mobile app
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An upcoming 4K streaming device made for high-definition televisions
This opportunity has expired!
An upcoming 1080p streaming device made for high-definition televisions
This opportunity has expired!
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