Occur Music Private Beta
Digital music distribution platform catering to independent artists. Artists can set the service fee and receive sales directly.
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Gitcolony Enterprise Private Beta
Gitcolony is a new way for developers to do code reviews and quality assurance.
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Quire Public Beta
Collaborative task management tool for organizing tasks in a simple and user friendly UI.
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Tapdecor Private Beta
Get free interior design advice to upgrade your bachelor pad with this iOS app.
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Shortr Beta Notification
Shortr is a mobile app that shows tech news alerts in 50 words.
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ExpenSense Private Beta
Spend smart on work travel, earn perks and give to good causes.
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Face to Face Private Beta
Join anonymous video chat communities. Have interest-based conversations with real users.
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idLinker Private Beta
idLinker provides the ability to hold your social network account hyperlinks & share them with friends & new connections.
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TruCalling Beta Notification
Helps people discover ways to make a living doing something they’re truly passionate about.
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MetaChi Beta Notification
MetaChi: a team task management & collaboration tool.
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Kumpulo Beta Notification
Kumpulo helps you find your go-to-market strategy, from experienced marketers for any vertical and niche.
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