The Beta Tester Blog

Practical advice for becoming a top-notch beta tester.

Unintentionally Violating Your NDA

Getting selected to participate in a test is an exciting time. The product you’ve been chosen to test is likely something that you’re...

The Legal Documents of Product Testing

Testers are often asked to sign legal agreements as part of joining a company’s product test. While it may be tempting to just sign the documents...

Best Tips for Submitting Clear Issues

Issues are an essential part of any product test. They inform companies of any problems or glitches found in products during testing so they can fix...

What Type of Betabounder Are You?

There are countless reasons you — as a Betabounder — volunteer your free time to test pre-release products. While many people think that most...

Boost Your Chances of Getting Selected

We’ve all been there: you’re really excited to test a promising new software program or gadget, only to find out that you weren’t chosen...

6 Great Reasons to Become a Tester

Volunteering to test products for companies is a huge responsibility. It involves committing your time and energy to try out a product and providing...

The Differences Between Private and Public Tests

At Betabound, there are two distinct types of product tests:  Private, or “closed” tests Public, or “open” tests Since both...

Why Tester Confidentiality is So Important

When a company conducts a private test, they’re usually a little nervous about putting their product into the hands of testers. Not only is a...

Quick Writing Tips for Testers

Being a tester is an exciting opportunity to try out new tech and share your thoughts about a product before anyone else. It’s important to...

The One Question You’ll See on Every Betabound Application

There’s one important question you’ll need to answer when you’re applying to join one of our private Betabound Exclusive testing...

What’s OK to Share?

One of the most important aspects of product testing is confidentiality and it’s something we stress often to our Betabounders. Confidentiality...

Join The Atom App for Android Public Beta Today!

We’re back with another Public Betabound Exclusive this week! The developers of The Atom App are looking for Android users to try out their new...