Testing Interests 101

If you just signed up with Betabound, welcome! Whether you saw one of our exciting Exclusive testing opportunities on our homepage or were referred to us by one of our Ambassadors, you’ve already completed your Basic Profile. While it’s very easy to quickly fill out this profile after hearing about a cool test, we want to mention that your Testing Interests are vital in shaping your testing future with Betabound and it might be worth revisiting if you breezed through this section.
We reach out with tons of Exclusive and Partner test opportunities, but not every Betabounder will get every announcement. We don’t want to flood your inbox with opportunities you aren’t excited about so we take a look at your Testing Interests as a starting point to see what type of test you’ll be a good fit for.

Above are the product categories that we feature in our testing opportunities, which cover some of the types of products our customers need your feedback on. From here, check any or all the categories that you’d like to test and leave a checkbox blank for any category that’s not for you.
Many testers approach this section as “what are my favorite products to test?” and only check a few boxes. This might work for you if you know you’re only interested in specific types of products and nothing else. If you’re looking to hear about the widest range of potential opportunities, however, we recommend looking at this question a little differently. Think about it as “what kinds of products am I absolutely NOT interested in testing?” and simply deselect those boxes.
For example, gaming might not be your passion, but there could be a brand new opportunity to test a pair of gaming headphones that would be fun to join. Checking that box will make sure that you at least hear about it, so you can make that decision for yourself.
If you’re a long time Betabounder and haven’t updated your Testing Interests in a while, take a moment to check and make sure that your Testing Interests are still accurate. If you received a smart home camera in the last couple of months but don’t have the Smart home category checked, you’re likely missing out on tests that require owning a smart home product.
After logging in to Betabound, look to the left-hand side of your homepage and click on User Profiles to edit your Basic Profile. There you can see your Testing Interests (you might be surprised what they are!) and add any additional categories you’d like to hear about. As with the rest of your profile, it’s important to keep this information up to date so that you continue to hear about testing opportunities that are relevant to you.
If you’re looking to broaden your testing experience and hear about more new and interesting beta tests, updating your Testing Interests is a great place to start.
Do you have more questions about the product types listed or how we use this information? Ask us by emailing hello@betabound.com.