Adding an Avatar to Your Betabound Profile
It’s always nice to put a face to a name. When you’re interacting with people online, avatars can provide a glimpse into other peoples’ personalities and interests, and also make everyone feel more connected as a community.
Avatars are a fairly recent addition to the Betabound platformf, so if you haven’t logged in in a while (or just never noticed the change), you might not have one yet. It’s important to remember that once you’re in a test, just about everything you do will have your avatar next to it. This means that our Beta Managers and other testers will begin to identify you based on your avatar, so it’s important to have a good one.
First, you need to decide what picture to use for your avatar. It can be a photo of yourself, an image of a pretty sunset, a picture of your dog, or even the logo of your favorite video game. You can also use a site like Faceyourmanga to make a cartoon of yourself. Once you’ve settled on the right picture, the process is simple. After you’ve logged in to Betabound, follow these steps.
On your homepage, click “Choose an Avatar”.
On the right hand side of the screen after you log in you should see a box for “My Avatar”. It will default to a gray outline if you don’t have anything uploaded. Under My Avatar there’s a link to “Choose an Avatar”. Click the link.

Click “Choose File” and upload your image.
Now you’re in the platform for uploading your avatar. Click the “Choose File” button and a window will pop up for you to select the image from your computer that you want to use as your avatar. Our avatars are square, so once the file is uploaded you’ll be given the opportunity to crop your photo to the appropriate size.

Once the file is uploaded, click “Save”.
Once you’re happy with the crop and the way it looks, click the “Save” button in the bottom left hand corner of the box.

You’re all set!
Now this image will show up next to all of your feedback and comments in the system.

Keep in mind that whatever you choose as your “face” for Betabound, it’s good to avoid negative or inappropriate images. This means that you may want to avoid using a skull and crossbones, or a green “Toxic Waste” label. While doing so will not hurt your chances of being selected for a test, it may misrepresent your abilities and commitment as a beta tester once you’re in a test. If we feel your avatar is inappropriate for the community, we’ll ask you to change it to something else.
Beta Managers work with hundreds of testers each day, so we recommend choosing your avatar carefully and sticking to it. This will make it easier for Beta Managers and other testers to recognize you on each test, and remind them that you’re a good tester to be on a project with. Just be yourself and put your best foot forward. Happy testing!
Tags: betabound tester profile