The Betabound Homepage and Joining the Community

Betabound offers a wide variety of opportunities to anyone interested in product testing. At first glance, our site appears as simply a place for product teams to post their tests for pre-release and existing products with new features. However, if you dig deeper, Betabound is actually a lot more than that — and how you make use of it is entirely up to you.
Centercode, the Company Behind Betabound
First, let’s take a look at what Betabound is and where it came from. Betabound is managed by the team at Centercode. Centercode built the test management platform that many companies use to run their testing programs, and also offers fully managed tests. In order to effectively run our managed projects, Centercode needs a community of testers that we can rely on — that’s where Betabound comes in. Centercode has been building up the Betabound (previously called OnlineBeta) community for 20 years now, and with over 250,000 members!
Centercode and the Betabound community have been growing together at an incredible rate. Growth in the community leads to more tests that Centercode can offer, while growth in Centercode leads to more exciting opportunities for you to join. No matter which way you look at it, growth and more available tests leads to happy Betabounders.
The Homepage Experience
As Betabound has grown, we’ve realized that we don’t run enough tests to keep everyone in our community busy. So, we created the Betabound homepage, a place where we post featured testing opportunities from all sorts of companies (not just our clients).
These opportunities are what you’ll find on the homepage today — a mix of opportunities from us (called Betabound Exclusives), our software customers (called Partner Betas), and other companies looking for testers. We post new testing opportunities frequently, and you can customize the homepage to only show the types of opportunities that interest you.
Betabound Member Benefits
Here’s the piece you need to know to take full advantage of Betabound: not all of our exclusive tests make it on our homepage. That’s right, many of our super secretive and selective tests never even make it onto the Betabound homepage. Before we post one of our tests to the homepage, we email the members of our community that fit the requirements for that project to give them a first crack at applying for the test. Oftentimes, we get enough testers from that email that we have to close the opportunity to new applicants.
This is why it’s so important that you join the community and fill out your profile. It’s completely free (as is participating in our tests) and it allows us to send you targeted emails about our testing opportunities so you can apply before they’re posted publicly. It’s the major perk of joining our community.
Getting the Best Experience
To get the most out of your Betabound experience, we suggest using both your Betabound membership and the Betabound homepage. As a community member, you’ll receive emails about our opportunities that you can respond to right away. Then you can peruse the Betabound homepage for additional opportunities that pique your interest. That way you never miss an opportunity to join an exciting new test.
We hope this helps you take advantage of everything this community has to offer. If you have any questions about how Betabound works, feel free to ask in the comments below or email us at
Tags: betabound homepage, betabound tester profile, Centercode