The Life of a Product: From Brainstorm to Beta to Launch

As a Betabounder, you have likely seen your fair share of products available for test that eventually end up on websites and stores you are familiar with. While beta tests are an integral part of the product development cycle, there is so much more that goes into making the products you know and love. This article explores what happens before and after a beta test, from the first idea to the launch of the product.
Initial Development and Alpha Testing
Every product begins as an idea of a way to solve a particular problem. Product teams will have a brainstorming session to find solutions for their customers with certain needs. When a single solution is decided on, the product team then needs to validate it. This is done by conducting research and seeing what, if any, available products are solving a similar problem.
Once the idea is validated, the product team can move on to making mockups of the product, eventually turning those into a usable prototype. This prototype may not have every feature implemented, but it is enough that potential customers can begin testing it.
While every Betabounder is familiar with beta testing, there is a step in the process before that called alpha testing. Alpha testing focuses on gathering feedback from users who have a lot of technical experience and are comfortable with diving deep into the product to provide insights. Critical bugs are expected during this phase in the process, and the test manager works closely with the alpha testers to ensure that by the end of this phase, no major issues remain.
Alpha tests are used to ensure that the software is stable before scaling up with more testers in beta. While rare, you can occasionally find alpha tests on Betabound.
Beta Testing
Once alpha testing is complete, beta testing can start! In this phase of the process, a beta version of the product is evaluated by real users who provide feedback to improve the product before release. This means anyone who is a fit for the product can be a part of a beta test! Betabound showcases hundreds of beta opportunities every year, and there is a test out there for every type of person.
Some products may need multiple rounds of beta testing if a big issue is found or a core feature is not receiving positive feedback from testers. Product teams take feedback from testers very seriously and a product can take drastic changes based on results from a beta test. Beta testing is complete when users from the target market are comfortable with the user interface and are satisfied when using the product and its features.
After developing and testing the beta version of the product it is now ready to be released to the public. However, a final review of the product’s positioning and messaging can help align the launch strategy with market needs. Companies need to consider how best to market their product to ensure it finds the right audience. Once that happens, the product can be considered launch-ready.
Yet, the product being out of beta does not mean it is done being worked on. In fact, most product teams are continuously crafting new features and running beta tests to improve the existing product. Perhaps you have been a part of a beta test trying out an exciting new feature of a product that you already own! This cycle happens again and again during the life of the product.
Every phase of the product development cycle, from alpha testing to launch, plays a critical role in shaping a product’s success and evolution. When the process is done successfully, a product will be bug-free and a perfect fit for its target market. While Betabounders don’t normally get to see this entire process for themselves, the part they play in beta testing is essential and can have huge impacts on the final product. Make sure your voice is heard by signing up for Betabound and joining a beta test!