Public Beta Tests

Beta tests that are open to anyone.

January 2015

Hyppic Public Beta 

Hyppic enables you to instantly create an event album by sharing the photos between all its participants.

Beta Test Now

This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.

December 2014

Delprice Public Beta 

Local discounts! Add a comment on new sales, special offers or discounts. Check a list of current sales in your city.

Beta Test Now

This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.

Bead Public Beta 

Bead is a great replacement for a desktop calculator. (Sign-up is now fixed – please re-submit)

Beta Test Now

This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.

Monitority Public Beta 

A free website monitoring service that lets you track services and receive alerts when these services aren’t responding.

Beta Test Now

This opportunity looks old. It might be expired.