Checking Your Inbox for Test Opportunities

When you sign up for Betabound, the most exciting part of being a member is receiving an email invite to one of our exclusive testing opportunities. Not all of our tests are run by a seasoned test manager from the Betabound team though – we’ll also reach out to you about testing opportunities hosted by a variety of companies. Here’s how to distinguish these email invites so you know how to choose the best opportunity for you.
Betabound Exclusives
The majority of invites you’ll receive are for Betabound exclusives. These include both our private Betabound tests managed by the Betabound team and our public Betabound tests that are directly run by product developers. These tests can be for a variety of products, and often you won’t know what company you’re testing for until you’re actually in the test.

Be sure to fill out your Testing Interests in your Basic Profile to let us know what you enjoy testing.
What to Expect
An email invitation for a private Betabound test will have a brief description of what you’ll be testing and will include a link to a landing page that has more details about the product, opportunity, and any requirements needed to participate.

The email will also specify that the test will be managed by someone on the Betabound team and if you will need to create a new account in a different testing community to sign-up and apply. The email text above is an example of a test run by Betabound but being hosted on a different site. Many Centercode customers have their own testing communities outside of Betabound, so you will need to create a new account in case this test is being hosted on a different site.
In the case of a public exclusive test, the email will provide a link to a landing page on Betabound. If you’d like to join, just log in with your Betabound information to get started.
Both private and public Betabound exclusives will be run similarly and ask you to submit feedback like issues, ideas and praise during the testing process.
Partner Tests
Betabound Exclusives aren’t the only tests we’ll email you about, though. We also reach out about tests that are run by our partners that use the Centercode platform. While the look and feel of these tests are similar to our exclusive opportunities, they aren’t run by the Betabound team or even hosted on Betabound’s site.
Our partners have their own testing community and each will be a little different in terms of what they ask and expect of their testers, but all of these companies are committed to product testing and run tests year-round.

In addition to filling out your Testing Interests, be sure to click the box for “I want to receive test invites for Centercode partner opportunities” in your Basic Profile to get partner invitations.
What to Expect
Partner test invitations will also include a brief description of the product and a link to their community. Since these tests are not hosted by us, your Betabound information will not work. You will need to create a new account if this is your first time in a partner’s testing community. Below is an example of a partner test invitation.

We’ll mention that these tests will be run by employees of the companies in the invitation, so the testing experience might be a bit different than what you see in our exclusive tests. You may be asked to do different activities with the product or submit different kinds of feedback, but don’t let that deter you! These are excellent opportunities to become a tester for some of the biggest names in the tech industry.
Please note that we don’t have access to our partner’s communities, which means Betabound can’t help you if you run into trouble during these tests. That said, it’s really easy to contact the team in charge of your project by logging into the project you’re having trouble with and clicking the “Contact Us” button on the left side of the homepage.

Once you join their community, you’ll also start hearing about their other tests (the ones they don’t ask us to announce to the Betabound community), so you’ll have even more exciting opportunities to join.
Happy Testing!
Our goal is to provide you with a wide variety of amazing testing opportunities. Email invitations will be sent to you according to what your testing interests are within your Basic Profile. If you haven’t received an invitation that sparks your interest recently, be sure to log back in and edit your Basic Profile as needed. You should also add our email address, to your contacts list to ensure nothing gets lost in your junk or spam folder.
If you have questions about partner betas, send a quick email to
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